Gretchen (Perry) Pineo
Current Name:
Gretchen (Perry) Pineo
Graduation Year and years at MSSM?
Class of 1997, attended ‘96-’97 school year
Hometown/Sending School:
Harpswell, Maine, Mt. Ararat
Where did you go after MSSM?
University of Arizona for a year, then University of Massachusetts, Amherst for undergrad - dual Bachelors in Astronomy and Archaeology, Tufts University for a graduate certificate in Museum Studies, and Boston University for my master’s degree in Preservation Studies.
What are you doing now?
I’m an architectural historian who occasionally makes use of my other three degrees.
What is your favorite (or one of your favorite) memory from MSSM?
Playing assassins with squirt guns and soaking the laundry room (behind the mailboxes at the time), trips to the mall for Chinese food, the 5 year reunion in Bangor.
What class/teacher most sticks out in your mind?
Mark Tasker and his Poli-Geo class, Susan Gould-Leighton (Susang) who taught math and was our Odyssey of the Mind coach, and Terry Atwood’s Psych class.
If you could go back in time, what would you tell your past self as you prepare for MSSM?
Have confidence in your abilities but don’t be afraid to ask teachers and classmates for help. And hang on for the ride - this place is going to change you, hopefully in the best way possible. You’ll make friends for life.
What role did MSSM play in who or where you are now?
Gave me confidence to branch out and follow my interests and passions, and the ability to look at things from different angles. It also helped me begin hone my deadline/workload juggling skills early, which come in VERY handy as a consultant.
What is the best book/movie/tv show you can recommend to your fellow alumni?
The Color of Law by Richard Rothstein, which is really important for understanding why our cities look the way they do, and The Wee Free Men by Terry Pratchett for a little escapism. I love food-related shows (Great British Bake Off, etc.) and I’ve been watching a lot of the Chef Show on Netflix and Sorted Food on YouTube.