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Health Services

Student Health

MSSM employs a Director of Health Services who is available in the dorm Monday through Friday. The Health Services’ office is located within the primary residence hall and office hours are posted on the door. Staff performs first aid services, provide health care counseling, oversee the distribution of medication, and aid students in making unavoidable medical and dental appointments while at MSSM. Routine health care appointments should be scheduled during times when students are at home. Students and their families are responsible for all costs incurred by these appointments.

MSSM offers a walk-in clinic for mental health and counseling needs. This clinic is staffed three hours each afternoon, through the Aroostook Mental Health Center (AMHC). Information discussed with AMHC staff is confidential unless a student is found to be a danger to him/herself or others.

For the safety of the community and its individuals, students must immediately report any injury or illness to the Director of Health Services. If students become ill or injured when the Director of Health Services is not available, they should report to the residential staff. Students are expected to arrive on time at the Health Services office or the designated location to pick up regularly scheduled medications.

If a student becomes sick while home on break, it is highly recommended that the student remain home until he/she is well. This not only speeds the student’s recovery, but also drastically minimizes exposure to the rest of the community. Such an absence would be an Excused Absence, as described in the Academic Section of the Handbook, and students should contact either the Dean of Students or the Assistant Director of Residential Life as soon as possible.

Parents/legal guardians must sign permission forms allowing their children to receive treatment in the event of an illness or accident. Parents/legal guardians of students taken to the emergency room shall be notified by an MSSM staff member as soon as the situation allows. In most cases parents/legal guardians are called before students are brought to the emergency room.

The Health Center is located within the residential dormitory.

Walk in clinic is open:

12:00-4:30 Monday through Friday
My lunch is from 12:15-12:45
My hours are 7:30-3:30